


125ml spray bottle ( This would be enough for 3-4 airplanes)

Granted, not all vinyl and graphic applications need to be a wet application to be successful, but we do know that in most applications nearly 50 percent in labor time can be saved by using a application fluid.
Sometimes a job normally requiring two people to perform a dry application can be done in less time by one person if using an application fluid like Grafislip .
Application fluid cleans without leaving residues. Best of all it stimulates the adhesive to bond in approximately 90 seconds, even in a colder environment.
It will not cause bubbles so there's no poking holes in your work. Your reputation will benefit from higher-quality applications.
Grafislip was formulated to make wet application of vinyl films simple and fast. Grafislip application fluid is the best choice when working with premium cast films and most acrylic adhesive systems.
Applying vinyl wet with Grafislip gives you control over positioning time while you "float" the film. Grafislip also increase the adhesive bond between your film and the substrate and will eliminate air bubbles.
Soap and water simply can't compare.

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